This is an example RavenR workflow for taking a watershed exported from the Ontario Flow Assessment Tool (OFAT) and converting it to a simple Raven Model discretization (.rvh) file. The first step is to generate and download watershed information in OFAT. Using the OFAT interface, perform the following tasks:
This Rmd script (downloadable here) should be unzipped itself and moved to the unzipped folder next to the landcoverGRID folder. The script can be used with any watershed generated by OFAT. Simply open up in RStudio and click ‘Knit’ after changing the watershed name, latitude, and longitude, as indicated below.
For this model, we generated the watershed for Boomer Creek in the Municipality of Wellesley, ON with its outlet located at (48.03396N, 84.68364W), depicted here as it was selected in OFAT:
Boomer Creek
fileprefix <-"BoomerCreek" # this needs to be modified for each new watershed
lat <- 48.03396 # this needs to be modified for each new watershed
long<- -84.68364 # this needs to be modified for each new watershed
topdir <-paste0(getwd(),"/")
Read in the mapping file which can be used to simplify the Ontario Land Cover data to hydrologically significant categories:
kable(map,caption="Land Cover Mapping Table")
ID | Land.Cover.Type | RavenLandClass | RavenVegClass |
0 | Other | NA | NA |
0 | Cloud/Shadow | NA | NA |
1 | Clear Open Water | WATER | NO_VEG |
2 | Turbid Water | WATER | NO_VEG |
3 | Shoreline | NA | NA |
4 | Mudflats | NA | NA |
5 | Marsh | WETLAND | WET_VEG |
6 | Swamp | WETLAND | WET_VEG |
7 | Fen | WETLAND | WET_VEG |
8 | Bog | WETLAND | WET_VEG |
9 | Heath | GRASSLAND | GRASS |
11 | Sparse Treed | GRASSLAND | GRASS |
12 | Treed Upland | FOREST | FOREST |
13 | Deciduous Treed | FOREST | FOREST |
14 | Mixed Treed | FOREST | FOREST |
15 | Coniferous Treed | FOREST | FOREST |
16 | Plantations - Treed Cultivated | FOREST | FOREST |
17 | Hedge Rows | GRASSLAND | GRASS |
18 | Disturbance | NA | NA |
19 | Open Cliff and Talus | OPEN | NO_VEG |
20 | Alvar | OPEN | NO_VEG |
21 | Sand Barren and Dune | OPEN | NO_VEG |
22 | Open Tallgrass Prairie | GRASSLAND | GRASS |
23 | Tallgrass Savannah | GRASSLAND | GRASS |
24 | Tallgrass Woodland | GRASSLAND | GRASS |
25 | Sand/Gravel/Mine Tailings/Extraction | NA | NA |
26 | Bedrock | OPEN | NO_VEG |
27 | Community/Infrastructure | URBAN | NO_VEG |
28 | Agriculture and Undifferentiated Rural Land Use | AGRICULTURE | CROP |
Open up the land cover database file, extract the areas, and re-classify the land use data based upon the mapping to simpler Raven classes. This assumes the land cover name is Watershed 1 Landcover.dbf, which is only the case if this was the first watershed delineated on OFAT.
lcfile<-paste0(topdir,"landcoverGRID/Watershed 1 Landcover.dbf")
# left join mapping file to landcover
# remove unmappable (NA) land use classes and correct total area accordingly
NAarea <-sum(df[$RavenLandClass),]$AREA)
df$AREA<-df$AREA * (sumarea/(sumarea-NAarea))
df<-df[!$RavenLandClass),] #trim out NA land use cases
nHRUs<-nrow(df) # get final number of HRUs
df$AREA=df$AREA *(10^-6) # convert area to km2
Create a simple single subbasin data frame (i.e., table)
kable(SBtable, caption="Raven SubBasin table")
SBID | Name | Downstream_ID | Profile | ReachLength | Gauged |
1 | BoomerCreek | -1 | [NONE] | 0 | 1 |
Create a data frame (i.e., table) for the model HRUs
HRUtable<-data.frame("ID"=1:nHRUs,"Area"=df$AREA,"Elevation"=rep(0.0,nHRUs), "Latitude"=rep(lat,nHRUs),"Longitude"=rep(long,nHRUs),"SBID"=rep(1,nHRUs),"LandUse"=df$RavenLandClass,"Vegetation"=df$RavenVegClass,"SoilProfile"=rep("DEFAULT_P",nHRUs),"Terrain"=rep("[NONE]",nHRUs),"Aquifer"=rep("[NONE]",nHRUs),"Slope"=rep(0,nHRUs),"Aspect"=rep(0.0,nHRUs),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
kable(HRUtable, caption="Raven HRU table")
ID | Area | Elevation | Latitude | Longitude | SBID | LandUse | Vegetation | SoilProfile | Terrain | Aquifer | Slope | Aspect |
1 | 0.0353504 | 0 | 48.03396 | -84.68364 | 1 | WATER | NO_VEG | DEFAULT_P | [NONE] | [NONE] | 0 | 0 |
2 | 0.0301716 | 0 | 48.03396 | -84.68364 | 1 | WETLAND | WET_VEG | DEFAULT_P | [NONE] | [NONE] | 0 | 0 |
3 | 3.2968149 | 0 | 48.03396 | -84.68364 | 1 | WETLAND | WET_VEG | DEFAULT_P | [NONE] | [NONE] | 0 | 0 |
4 | 0.0090065 | 0 | 48.03396 | -84.68364 | 1 | FOREST | FOREST | DEFAULT_P | [NONE] | [NONE] | 0 | 0 |
5 | 2.9457881 | 0 | 48.03396 | -84.68364 | 1 | FOREST | FOREST | DEFAULT_P | [NONE] | [NONE] | 0 | 0 |
6 | 0.1143820 | 0 | 48.03396 | -84.68364 | 1 | FOREST | FOREST | DEFAULT_P | [NONE] | [NONE] | 0 | 0 |
7 | 0.1168588 | 0 | 48.03396 | -84.68364 | 1 | FOREST | FOREST | DEFAULT_P | [NONE] | [NONE] | 0 | 0 |
8 | 0.1585137 | 0 | 48.03396 | -84.68364 | 1 | FOREST | FOREST | DEFAULT_P | [NONE] | [NONE] | 0 | 0 |
9 | 0.0049536 | 0 | 48.03396 | -84.68364 | 1 | GRASSLAND | GRASS | DEFAULT_P | [NONE] | [NONE] | 0 | 0 |
10 | 2.8160951 | 0 | 48.03396 | -84.68364 | 1 | URBAN | NO_VEG | DEFAULT_P | [NONE] | [NONE] | 0 | 0 |
11 | 60.7323653 | 0 | 48.03396 | -84.68364 | 1 | AGRICULTURE | CROP | DEFAULT_P | [NONE] | [NONE] | 0 | 0 |
Use these data frames to generate the Raven input .rvh file
# create model output directory
if (!dir.exists(modeldir)){
# generate and print .rvh file
err<-rvn_rvh_write(rvhfile,SBtable,HRUtable,description="Created by OFATConversionScript.Rmd")
cat(readLines(rvhfile),sep='\n', fill=FALSE) # print rvh file contents
:FileType .rvh
:CreationDate Feb 2021
# Created by OFATConversionScript.Rmd
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
:Units , none, none, none, km, none
1, BoomerCreek, -1, [NONE], 0, 1
:Units , km2, masl, deg, deg, none, none, none, none, none, none, deg, degN
1, 0.0353503579623386, 0, 48.03396, -84.68364, 1, WATER, NO_VEG, DEFAULT_P, [NONE], [NONE], 0, 0
2, 0.0301716431016139, 0, 48.03396, -84.68364, 1, WETLAND, WET_VEG, DEFAULT_P, [NONE], [NONE], 0, 0
3, 3.29681491264053, 0, 48.03396, -84.68364, 1, WETLAND, WET_VEG, DEFAULT_P, [NONE], [NONE], 0, 0
4, 0.00900646062734742, 0, 48.03396, -84.68364, 1, FOREST, FOREST, DEFAULT_P, [NONE], [NONE], 0, 0
5, 2.94578810968966, 0, 48.03396, -84.68364, 1, FOREST, FOREST, DEFAULT_P, [NONE], [NONE], 0, 0
6, 0.114382049967312, 0, 48.03396, -84.68364, 1, FOREST, FOREST, DEFAULT_P, [NONE], [NONE], 0, 0
7, 0.116858826639833, 0, 48.03396, -84.68364, 1, FOREST, FOREST, DEFAULT_P, [NONE], [NONE], 0, 0
8, 0.158513707041315, 0, 48.03396, -84.68364, 1, FOREST, FOREST, DEFAULT_P, [NONE], [NONE], 0, 0
9, 0.00495355334504108, 0, 48.03396, -84.68364, 1, GRASSLAND, GRASS, DEFAULT_P, [NONE], [NONE], 0, 0
10, 2.81609507665586, 0, 48.03396, -84.68364, 1, URBAN, NO_VEG, DEFAULT_P, [NONE], [NONE], 0, 0
11, 60.7323653023292, 0, 48.03396, -84.68364, 1, AGRICULTURE, CROP, DEFAULT_P, [NONE], [NONE], 0, 0